maanantai 15. lokakuuta 2018

Photo stack: Juoru rides Vissy - now better

No, actually I just mean the tack is better. But I also hope the photos are too. Let the professional modellers laugh, though...

I don't know what puts me to put Vissy to wear that bridle. It has no quality, really, but it fits that horse. Vissy dives well to practically every bridle I make, meaning if they are made for sporthorses, and this one isn't the best possible - not for use and not for photos. And still he wears it. Yet worse than Juoru, my oldest homemade doll, is the rider. He's difficult to position and he looks clearly just and only stupid. I'm not good at liking my outdated works.

But these photos are good enough for my taste. And that tack is in it's best step now, believe it or not.

I decided to edit this very freely and heavily, because the original photo was so bad in quality. Added a lot of contrast and sharpening, and lowered the colors more.

Settings: 'portrait', with lowered colors.

Settings: 'colorful', colors and contrast as strong as possible.

Do you scream if I get yet more photos of Juoru riding Vissy? I could do, inside my brains. But hey I could at least change a different background and try new things, or what? Nevermind...

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