lauantai 27. tammikuuta 2018

New Breyers

It's only January now, and before my birthday (just two days away now...) I already got new models from I think I'm going to recycle their box to make another, BIGGER studio!

I choosed three models, this is the number I can get once, no more. Money is not free. Still, my mum has rights to my money and she sticked her fingers to this, and... I got four Breyer Traditionals.

This is so damn very weird for me, but well, I like. He he! Let's see the horsies.

Brunello... A Finnish hobby friend of mine had this model already, and we both know this is a good mold. I could have bought this anyway in some moment - she just kicked me to choose this now, no later (eh eh). Now I have another good tack rack, AND no need to curse that ugly toy horse (Remu)... Brunello tells us the difference between toy and model. Also, chestnuts are good. Named this Lost Wits Of The Halter Creators and it's a joke since I'm a mad halter-maker, and also that friend makes tack... For nickname he got Lanttu, have no idea where, it just popped in my head. It means rutabaga.

He looks good with my far away from high quality tack. That bit actually works, I mean, the shanks move...

Slick by Design... I was quite surprised with this model. He is very, very large! And immediately I recognized the sculptor, it's same as with Cortes "C". Even clearer as both of my ones are black. Slick has a bit more blue in tint, and I like that, it's easy to see in photos although not so much with eye. The sculpt is simplier than with some others from same sculptor (who's models I like a lot, I see). This guy got called as Okay Mister Blue, and I think it can be quite matching for a quarter since, well, quarters and the way people name them... And because this horse really IS blue!

Dreamy is small next to Okay!

Valegro... With this, I can't start well, it's so good as a model. Just a thing I'm happy to have now. I named my model as Reizvoll due to the fact that for me this represents enough a horse I once met in a dream. Not as weird as it sounds; I simply was meant to test ride him, and he was awesome, friendly. Valegro is also difficult to photograph since he's a bit glossier than the others I have, and his dark surface yet feeds it. Damn flash, I should soften that off.

Valegro has great face. It's just nice to tack him up.

...and Secretariat! This is a model I have drooled some time, but have hesitated as he has a bit difficult mane (for tackmaking, just a hole in the scrag instead of a area for straps to lay on) and he is a racehorse - gallop races don't exist in Finland! And my model stable is Finnish. Well, at least they can buy former racehorses from Sweden and then fail with re-training them... Sounds safe. But the mane hole works surprisingly nicely, and if I get lazy with it, I can also just lie the bridle over the ears, although it doesn't look that perfect. I've seen a lot worse examples too. Named this boy as Cage Breaker xx, and it has deeper meanings.

One thing I've always liked in Smarty Jones mold is the expression. It doesn't look so generically happy.

Jewellery pieces make nice hackamore parts. (There's extremely bad leather used... Because I've already used off most of the better pieces.)

Wait what, I just realised I got the basic colors only. Haha, nice! This is what I collect (and also paint, really); those boring, general colors. At all, I've realised I am not into very "weird" or "interesting" colors or patterns, I like when horses look more evenly colored. At same time I know how common weirdnesses are in model horse hobby.

I already tacked up all these, just because I make tack and like to capture moments. Could post more of them later. But, check Valegro, he tells me what my level in tackmaking is (= not very high...):

Really Offhand isn't so experienced that he could have any persmission to ride a professional dressage horsie. Luck my dolls ride just for fun at home... And don't even mention that gothic style doesn't belong to dressage arenas?

Apologies from extremely bad photos. I have no idea what had happened to my phtography skills; if I ever even had them, hmmm...

sunnuntai 14. tammikuuta 2018

Should just blog...

I should just blog. Continue to blog.

But I haven't felt right for it lately, although I - honestly - think this practically daily. I simply can't write and have no brains for anything. Nothing serious really... I just am not in the blogging mood; writing doesn't work and I have no idea what to photograph next and how.

OK. It's not so simple. It's not that harmless. I really don't like the situation that I have not had blog brains for some time!

I should do something for the backgrounds if I ever want to improve my photo stories, but I don't want to start anything yet if I am not sure how to do and what. I have no space for anything that's left to lie around if I decide not to finish it. And a box with random cloth is not realistic background for a landscape, let alone stable yard.

Juoru on Wishmeluck. Cloth background.

I've thought some... If I do things from paper; draw and cut pieces and place them interestingly, to make some illusion that doesn't force to really build mini buildings or anything - as said, I have no space. I want to do stories now. As a visual artist who draws, I've learned that at least something little and simple in the background is always better than 'emptiness'. It should look like a world, not a studio box.

Easierly said than done.

Anyway. When waiting that, I must publish stuff I've already done, and that includes some photo stories or riding set-ups that do not behave as a story at all. Grrrr. But I really want to publish stuff!

I also should already have published my newest Breyers, that I got for Xmas: GG Valentine and Heartbreaker, who I renamed as Sweet Zone (mare) and Danger Zone (colt...). The names are a small joke since mare's older foals (just fictional, hah, not modelled) are also named with puns, and create a story when coming from oldest to youngest. I choosed standardbred as their breed, since it is... the most generic horse breed in Finland, and the one I have met so often compared to the truth I have no horse life really.

Sweet Zone "Namu" and her brat, Danger Zone "Dani".

I have no idea if anyone else had ever suffered from a problem I do have, and it's this, I can write and read but have no map in my head about what I actually had read. Stupid. (Writing and reading English doesn't make this any easier, haha. And here I am, using this language I'm not naturally familiar with...) Or is this just my too-often-dying skill to focus on things I am reading?