lauantai 11. maaliskuuta 2017

Waking up with cats

Here comes a photo story who has no visible horses to see. It's just about one of my dolls, Kippura, and her cats Tumpula and Ryysis.

We start the story with a pic where Kippura seems to be putting her scarf on. Cats know what she is doing, where she is going to and when she comes back to home too. It's her workday. And cats really know that when their staff needs to leave the home for a day, they make it to be difficult as possible...

The old man, Tumpula, 16 years old, is yet only stretching when the more black young dude had already flied around...

...and is now demanding food.

"Hey two-legged rat, I said I WANT FOOOOD!!"

How much attention that scarf needs?

"Well, maybe she reacts if I stare."

"Wow she walks to the foodcups!"

Then Ryysis notices Tumpula, who is scratching something under the cover. Maybe going to fill a nice warm spot after the staff sat on it... Cats just love warm too much. Old ones yet more.

Ryysis has hyperactive imagination, and he sees Tumpula as a prey.

While Ryysis uses his adolescence energy to tease the old guy, Kippura spends a bit time to fill their foodcups.

Well... The bigger dose is for Ryysis, as he is younger, not castratized and needs more energy.

After his breakfast Ryysis spends some purring moment with Kippura, as every morning.

...until he realises that the staff really goes. "Noooooo you didn't stroke me enough yet!"

Kippura: "Ryysis, EVERY day, I come home after work. I can't be late or then I lose my job. Without job I can't buy food for you."

Then she closes the door after her, and the black cat yet stands on the bed.

"What she said - no job, no food? Do furries need work that cats can eat?!"

"...but it makes sense. I better do a cat's job, so I drop a ton of fur to Asko's bed. I love spying when he curses it."

But Tumpula just continued to sleep after his breakfast. It seems to be a bit too warm there.

Or then he just is too relaxed.

Ryysis clearly understood what Kippura told him. Still, not sure that he could not give same comments to her at the next morning.

I wonder how much things change when Kippura needs to move away from the house, as the official resident's girlfriend moves there later. The house just has no enough space for everyone...

Artistic info:
I didn't think this photo story could be that easy to create, as I took a lot of pics and many of them are not really a part of it.

Anyone wondering why I write the cat's replies in words, instead of using some 'meow's? Because of humor and knowledge about cat behavior. That didn't mean that he could have literally talked to Kippura, I just wrote in English what he meant when he meowed. Also, those newer Schleich cats often have really good expressions, who give them more personality and possibilities for funny stories.

Our Lauha.

Of course every cat staff (we are not owners, because cats own us) could like to stay home with cats instead of going to work... Because of cats.

Let's keep this as a celebration for cats. And clever cat people.

I apologize that Kippo has no trousers. I have no idea of how to make some.  

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