So here should come the first photo bunch of what I mentioned in the previous post. Hmmm! I need to be self-critical and realistic, and not to try to post every pile... Because that is not what I planned to do.
The horse in these photos is Lanttu, officially "Lost Wits Of The Halter Creators" refering to how I and some of my friends are crazy takcmakers. And Lanttu has been a good tack mannequin and common in my archive photos since he came to me in January 2018.
My photos from that era are usually very contrasty, sometimes harsh to the eye. I like contrast, but I also can go blind for the quality, and computer screens vary so much... And too much is too much, even for a contrast enthusiast. I also often like to keep the colors rich, so I set them so already in the camera. I can't know how the end result will look on the computer, of course, and I always edit my photos to some degree. For basic information I have to say the camera is a DSLR, Nikon D3100 with its kit lens and built-in flash. I spread the light by taping a piece of white paper in front of the flash (on the camera logo) and make sure none of this is touching the actual flash part.
February 2018 was when I already had the three heavy mirrors which I bought entirely just for model horse photography. They really did make an effect in my photos, though I'm unsure how visible it is from these overly contrasty things... Anyway, at least I got some fun shots where the horse looks like as if he was admiring himself from the mirror.
I see, I also tested if I can take any good shots without the softening paper. Bad idea.
Softened. |
Not softened. |
Definitely not softened. |
The bridle is one I made clearly in early 2018, I think, and it has always been that bare... And symmetric. I recently updated the whole thing by replacing the old buckles with more realistic in-scale ones and which have moving tongues. The reins are, unlike what I usually do, a part of the set. Not so sure about the bit. In general I feel as if this bridle was almost made for this exact mold and model, although I don't design tack that way most of the time.
What else can I say? I like to take portraits and headshots... They are usually quite easy, but can get slightly boring at times if there's nothing else. That is why I am so glad I now have the big studio option back, no less with the same fabric which served as a backdrop in these photos as well.
To compare these to how I take my photos now: I could have added a doll who could hold a lead rope, or a chain. I use that now even if I never include the doll in the photos!
Hmm, wonder what the next post in this "series" will include...? As I mentioned, these are not what I usually take, which means the next bunch will be from October 2019.